Thursday, 28 January 2016

Chase the dream, not funding

"Chase the dream, not funding" an article about YatraGenie in Time of India, Times Business Page 17 dated Jan 25th 2016.

Elixir blood camp

 Elixir BloodCamp‬ 

Yatragenie have organised Elixir ‪#‎BloodCamp‬ in association with Redcross Karnataka & Medkumo Software India Private Limited. Thanks for the 94 donors who joined their hands to donate blood.
A Youngster named Preetham have given his hard endeavours to make the Blood Camp success.
-----"A Mother's tears can't save a life but your blood can"---
                                                                                      ----"Revival starts with you"---

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Facts of Indian Republic day

  Few Facts of indian Republic

On the Eve of 67th Indian Republic Day we would like to share few facts about it's importance.
Share with the larger crowd to make an awareness.


On behalf of Yatragenie,Medkumo,Terralogic,
We want to thank all the employees for helping to make this year’s republic theme event "Tirang" a success.
The event ran smoothly,everyone seemed to enjoy themselves at performances and competitions that was held, evaluations from
many employees had many good comments, and overall the event was a success. "Tirang" is a huge event and it wouldn’t be
possible without the assistance of countless people from the beginning to clean up after the event. Thank you for helping to make the day possible!
Thanks! to each and every one who contributed to the event.
Finally,a very happy republic day to all our employees and customers of us. Vandemataram!!